Monday, November 22, 2010

Amendment 1 in 3-D

"Tenet insanibile scribendi cacoethes."
Many are possessed by the incurable itch to write.
1st Century BC

As a child, I would watch my Dad read the newspaper. The idea that a sheet of paper could carry news intrigued me. It intrigues me still. Last Wednesday, twenty-two Trinity students toured The Charlotte Observer; a joint field trip for the students in Amy McNelis' Communication Arts class and the students in my Creative Writing class. The visit exceeded my expectations. The details were arranged by Liz Irwin, a Trinity parent and Charlotte Observer VP, Advertising. Liz gave an overview of the paper, touching on various points of advertising. Rick Thames, Editor, shared four reasons people become journalists:

1. Writers, in love with the printed word
2. Curious, lifelong learners
3. Nosey, wanting to be the first to know
4. Missionaries wanting to change the world

Mr. Thames pointed to a sign which hangs in the conference room where we met. In bold type are these words-

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment 1

Last wednesday, twenty- two high school students witnessed the First Amendment in action.

The press

The ink

The paper


Chuck Griffiths, Operations VP, explaining page setup

The Newsroom

Don Williamson, sharing his 'piece in progress'

Kevin Siers, Editorial Cartoonist, and me

Amy McNelis and Fannie Flono, Associate Editor

1 comment:

  1. What a great time they must have had. I hope and pray that the impact of the visit and the truth of our freedoms will have a lasting impact upon the students and those who follow after them.
