Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ink, Vines and Ink Vein

Picasso's Studio

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
Pablo Picasso

A quick overview of this week (I want to save more room for the amazing pieces produced):

Art History- Pablo Picasso
Sculpture Classes- Vine Constructions and two kiln firings
Printmaking Classes- Serigraph wrap-ups and Etchings

And now, the results-

Wheel Thrown Pot
Eric Smith

Hand Built Clay
by Morgan Stafford

Hand Built Clay
by John Grimes

Hand Built Clay with Gold Leaf
by Will Levings

Vine Sculpture
by Emma Davenport

Vine Sculpture
by Christopher Gallis

Vine Sculpture
by Justin Lemmon

Vine Sculpture
by Sam Long, David Rogers and Will Levings

Star of David
by Mechal Harward

Vine Sculpture
by Sam Long

by Ben House
Etching Series
By Andrew Williams

by Emma Carter

by Molley Tyler

by Rachel Levi

Hand-Colored Etching
by Rylee Breed

by Christina Culp

Etching Series
by Samuel Carter

by Jack Traynor

Izak's Vine Sword

Menelik's Crown

by Madeline Keller

by Paul Venturo

and, a couple more things...

The Priority Boxes Art Project

What would you do if you suddenly received a box via mail, labeled “FRAGILE: Contains Peace”? How would you use it? Would you give it to someone else? Would you sell it?  Would you just throw it away?

Such a box is exactly what painter Franck de Las Mercedes has been sending since May
of 2006 to anyone who asks him, anywhere in the world, for free. 

"The Priority Boxes" project is a public art series that seeks to provoke thought, to make people reconsider their ability to influence change, communicate through art and make art accessible to people from all walks of life.

Me and a box of Hope

If you'd like to request a box, click here.

The results are in!
Ink Vein, Trinity's Literary Magazine, was awarded
by the National Council of Teachers of English.

click here 
to view the list of North Carolina recipients
If you missed buying a copy for yourself,
Ink Vein is still available.
Click here for details.

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