Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ideational Fecundity

"All teachers try to change their students' art in various ways; that's the purpose of teaching. But consider what teaching would be like if its purpose were not to improve or even change the student's art, but to appreciate it and help students to understand what they already do."
James Elkins, Why Art Cannot Be Taught

i·de·a·tion [ahy-dee-ey-shuhn]
the process of forming ideas or images

fe·cun·di·ty [fi-kuhn-di-tee]
the quality of being fecundthe capacity of abundant production

     One of the joys of teaching at Trinity is being surrounded with creative and imaginative students. We have spent these past few days exploring spatial relationships, working with patterns and movement. Ideational fecundity abounds in the Trinity art room. Here are a few examples:

Ari Hunte

John Grimes

Emma Carter

Kensley McCoy

Michael Ridenhour

Morgan Stafford

Rylee Breed

Kensley McCoy

An Independent Study Series
by Jack Higdon

1 comment:

  1. Amazing. Kensley piece jumped out of my computer.What potential the class has for impacting society for good.
