Saturday, September 29, 2012


Four Perspectives

"Icons are to art
as heaven is to earth."

"What we respond to in any work of art
is the artist's struggle against his or her limitations."
Saul Steinberg

Saul Steinberg

     It is hard for me to believe that two weeks have passed since the last post. The Trinity Art Room has been a busy place- the Design classes have been working on original fonts and logos (more on that in a future post), the Drawing classes have been drawing still-life images and master copies and the painting class has continued with watercolor studies... and then, there is Art History. In the past two lectures we reviewed the lives of Masaccio and Leonardo, with conversation regarding the artist's perspective- posing the question, "How does culture influence our perspective?"

 Here are a few perspectives from the Art Room:

Jack Higdon

Davis Martinec

Rachel Levi

Emma Davenport

Paul Venturo

Ryan Horton

Hannah Hatton

Ian Fisher

Austin Carpenter

Jack Radford

1 comment:

  1. To understand the creativity within us is to unlock the treasure chest and throw the contents to the world. tedd
