Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Matter of Excellence

Mineral Pigments and Gold on kumohada over canvas
80" x 64"

"It doesn't have an intensity that loudly calls people's attention but it has a beauty that resonates slowly and deeply. I think that this way to think about beauty is going to become more and more needed in our world today."
Norihiko Saito
Artist, Professor of Nihonga and Teacher to Makoto Fujimura

     The hope of every teacher is this- something is imparted to the student that was not there before. The teaching of art provides a plethora of opportunities for this hope to be realized (in spite of James Elkins position that art cannot be taught). This past week we discussed the notion of excellence in art as we watched a video about Makoto Fujimura, an artist whose work exudes excellence. In addition to being a painter, Makoto Fujimura is an international speaker and author. Regarding art, he says,

" It does not have to do with whether you can buy and sell the work, it has to do with who you are and what you're built to do and how honestly you can depict those things to point to the future, and when artists are not able to do that the entire culture suffers."

     One of the somethings I hope to impart to my students is a better understanding of excellence. Here are a few endeavors from this past week: 



Pinhole Photographs

And, here is the video:


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